Zarić Distillery
Zarić Distillery was based on the tradition and built on the premises of the once-famous brandy distillery “Povlen”, whose old glory has faded over the last two decades until the arrival of the Zarić family.
In spite of the fruit tradition of Kosjerić area, different circumstances caused the old “Povlen” to lose its glory. Determined, first of all, to make the best use of the potential of this fruit area and tradition in making the highest quality rakija, we worked very hard on the modernization and renovation of existing plants for processing and distilling fruit, and thus increased the need for growing fruit in this area, as well as production capacity.
Large financial investments, dedication and desire to combine the best technology, modern science, experience and old Serbian tradition, made it possible to make the old “Povlen” shine as the new Zarić Distillery, the most modern rakija distillery in Southeast Europe. Our distillery is going to produce around one million litres of rakija each year from a variety of fruit from our area.
- Kraljica (Queen) – Plum brandy
- Nirvana – Williams Pear Brandy
- Nostalgija (Nostalgia)- Quince brandy
- Opsesija (Obsession) – Raspberry brandy
- Magija (Magic) – Apricot brandy
- Koketa (Coquette) – Cherry liqueur
- Medena – honey liqueur
Production capacities: 1 million bottles per year
Export markets: USA, Canada, China, Austria, Australia, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, North Macedonia, Slovenia, UK, Bulgaria, Switzerland
Destilerija Zarić doo Kosjerić
A: Maksima Markovića 42, Kosjerić 31260, Serbia
P: +381 63 222240
M: +381 63 222240
E: milan.zaric@gmail.com