Vinarija Vilimonović
The winery and vineyards are located in the village of Medveđa near Trstenik, on the 17th kilometer of the old Kruševac-Kraljevo road. The vineyards are positioned on the slopes of the Gledić Mountains, facing north-south. They are located on left bank the Zapadna Morava River, which provides an unforgettable view and a unique landscape. The view ends at the peaks of Željina, Jastrebac and Stolov, where the winds, the old and reliable protectors of the vineyards, blow from. We approach wine production with genuine and great love, which gives our wines a special character.
- Pinot Blanc – Pinot blanc is a variety that comes from cooler regions, northern Italy, Alsace and Austria. With a discreet aroma and an excellent fruity finish, it requires dedication and devotion during consumption.
- Pinot Noir – A variety of the so-called Black Burgundy, known in Serbia. Smooth, elegant wine, light-bodied, very rich in flavor and characteristically aged for only 6 months in Serbian oak barrels.
- Sauvignon Blanc – wine of floral aroma of smooth taste and strong. Full-bodied wine containing high percentage of alcohol, thus making it very distinctive and recognizable. It is made of mature grape thanks to the sea sun.
- Župljanka – hybrid variety of Pinot Noir and Prokupac. It is rich in alcohol of floral aroma and light and very smooth taste.
- Tamjanika – Autochthonous white wine of tamjanika variety of strong and specific smell reminding of incense. Floral bouquet with aromas of yellow fruit and citrus is the main characteristic of this wine.
- Rose Pinot Noir – regular wine of very bright color, smooth structure, strong floral bouquet with dominant aroma of strawberry and raspberry.
在特雷斯塔尼克城(Trstenik)附近的梅德韦贾村(Medveđa),在连通克鲁舍瓦茨(Kruševac)和克拉列沃(Kraljevo)之间的一条老路上,第17公里处便是维利莫诺维奇(Vilimonović)酒庄和葡萄园德所在。葡萄园位于格莱迪奇山(Gledić )的山坡上,南北朝向,沐浴在西摩拉瓦(Morava)河左岸,景观独特,景色宜人,令人难忘。视野可及热林(Željin)山、亚斯特雷巴茨(Jastrebac)山和斯托洛维(Stolovi)山,微风袭来,既是葡萄园的老相识,也是其可靠的守护者。
- 塔米亚尼卡 (Tamjanika) – 这是一种本土白葡萄酒,由塔米亚尼卡葡萄品种酿制而成。塔米亚尼卡葡萄是一种圆叶葡萄,与著名的小粒白麝香 (Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains) 密切相关。真正让 塔米亚尼卡与众不同的是其浓郁而独特的香气,唤起人们对乳香(塞尔维亚语为 tamjan)的回忆。
- 白皮诺(Pinot Blanc)– 这是一种起源于寒冷地区的葡萄品种,例如意大利北部、阿尔萨斯和奥地利。白皮诺带来令人愉悦的感官享受,微妙的香气会令人联想到新鲜的甜瓜。它与霞多丽非常相似,但白皮诺拥有一个独特的优势——酸度平衡。
- 桃红葡萄酒 – 维利莫诺维奇桃红葡萄酒, 50% 梅洛和 50% 黑皮诺经过和谐的混合,最终精心酿制而成。黑皮诺以其优雅的红色水果香和温和的酸度而闻名,为我们的桃红混合葡萄酒带来明亮、清爽的基调,让人想起新鲜的草莓和覆盆子。
- 2019 年“拉丽莎奥尔洛夫”黑皮诺(“Larisa Orlov ”2019 – 100% 黑皮诺) – 2019 年“拉丽莎·奥尔洛夫”黑皮诺是一种独特的混合葡萄酒,其中三分之一的黑皮诺在旧的塞尔维亚橡木桶中陈酿两年,三分之一在新的橡木桶中陈酿,最后三分之一的黑皮诺在不锈钢桶中陈酿。
- 2019年梅洛珍藏版(Merlot Reserva 2019 )– 我们的“2019年梅洛珍藏版”在 1000 升橡木桶中孕育而生,呈现出深沉、迷人的红宝石色调,很难不引人注目。品尝第一口时,成熟的樱桃和黑莓混合在一起的丰富味道紧紧地与你相拥,香草和烤橡木的微妙香气宛如香吻轻轻地伴你左右。
- 2019年赤霞珠特级珍藏版(Cabernet Sauvignon Grand Reserva 2019) – “2019年赤霞珠特级珍藏版”是一款具有非凡深度和特色的葡萄酒,体现了艺术、情感和对卓越的不懈追求的精髓。它浓郁的口感和中等的酸度,光滑而明显的单宁结构,代表了我们酿酒专业知识的顶峰。每一口都是一场穿越味道的彩虹桥之旅——咖啡、香草和巧克力的香气在您的味蕾上翩翩起舞,而芬芳的气息则透露出烟草、李子和雪松的味道。
Vinarija Vilimonović
A: 37244 Medveđa (Trstenik), Serbia
M: +381 61 22 88 881