Kompanija Tigar je počela kao mala manufakturna radionica za izradu gumene obuće, davne 1935 godine a danas predstavlja jednog od vodećih proizvođača na prostoru Balkana. Fabrika Obuća je vodeći i renomirani proizvođač gumene obuće na tržištu Evrope. Locirana je na strteškoj lokaciji slobodne zone Pirot, na jugu Srbije.
Pored fabrike obuće u kompaniji se proizvodi i gumeno tehnička roba i hemijski proizvodi.
Proizvodi: Gumena obuća (radna, lovačka, zaštitna, modna i dečija), Proizvodi tehničke gume (cevi, profili, membrane, proizvodi od reciklata), lepkovi
Proizvodni kapaciteti: 2.800 000 pari obuće godišnje.
Izvozna tržišta: Rusija, Skandinavija, Turska, Austrija, Grčka, Danska, Hong Kong, Finska, Južna Afrika, Bugarska, zemlje Ex Yu…
Standardi i sertifikati: SRP ISO 9001:2015, SRP ISO 14001: SRP ISO 2015, SRP ISO 45001:2018, SRP ISO/IEC 17020:2012
Tigar began as a small manufactory workshop for the production of rubber footwear, back in 1935 and today is one of the leading manufacturers in the Balkans. The Footwear Factory is the leading and renowned manufacturer of rubber footwear on the European market. It is located on the strategic location of the free zone Pirot, in the south of Serbia.
In addition to the footwear factory, the company also produces rubber technical goods and chemical products.
Products: Rubber footwear (work, hunting, protective, fashion and children’s), Technical rubber products (pipes, profiles, membranes, recycled products), adhesives
Production capacities: 2,800,000 pairs of footwears are produced annually.
Export markets: Russia, Scandinavia, Turkey, Austria, Greece, Denmark, Hong Kong, Finland, South Africa, Bulgaria, Ex Yu counties…
Standards and certifications: SRP ISO 9001:2015, SRP ISO 14001: SRP ISO 2015, SRP ISO 45001:2018, SRP ISO/IEC 17020:2012
A: Nikole Pašića 197, 18300 Pirot
P: +381 10 31 31 21
M: +381 63 48 49 47
E: kabinet@tigar.com