OBLO Living started as a product unit in RT-RK (www.rt-rk.com ), one of the biggest software development companies in South-East Europe, and spun off in 2016.
OBLO provides world-class, secure, and scalable solutions for IoT:
- IoT platform for various IoT applications (smart home, smart appliances, industrial IoT solutions, etc.)
- System integration services
- Consulting and development services for IoT product
Hannover Messe is the perfect opportunity to see the latest achievements of our IoT platform, with a focus on indoor location tracking based on ultra-wideband (UWB) technology.
- OBLO + UWB = Location Aware IoT Platform
We extended our existing IoT platform with indoor location tracking based on ultra-wideband technology. This technology can deliver extremely precise and fast positioning information, offering a variety of use cases that were previously not possible.
- IoT Hub
This device provides IoT functionality:
Devices management
IoT devices inclusion/exclusion to/from the system, control and monitoring based on device’s supported protocol.
Uniform device data model
IoT hub abstracts any physical device in uniform way with services/properties/values data model.
IoT business logic
Implements IoT business logic for selected use case: home and building automation, asset tracking, smart cities, etc.
SW management
IoT hub manages SW upgrades of IoT devices as well as backup and restore of IoT cofigurations.
So far, our IoT Hub software has been successfully ported on various host devices based on Linux, Windows or RTOS.
A: Narodnog Fronta 23a, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
P: +381 21 480 11 71
E: sales@obloliving.com, info@obloliving.com