MTM Sirela
MTM Sirela je osnovana 1987. godine kao mala porodična firma. Osnovna delatnost na samom početku je bila proizvodnja sirila Sirela. Danas firma poseduje širok spektar proizvoda namenjenih mlekarskoj industriji kao sto su: sirilo, starter kulture, antibiotik testovi, analizatori mleka kao i aditivi.
Delatnost firme počinje da se širi na oblast prerade i prodaje potrošnog materijala- papirne konfekcije kao i proizvodnje i štampe samolepljivih etiketa (flexoštampa). Vremenom se asortiman dopunjuje proizvodnjom plastične ambalaže za pakovanje hrane (Thermoforming).
Proizvodi: plastična ambalaža, štampa etiketa, termičke rolne
Izvozna tržišta: Češka, Mađarska, Bugarska, Hrvatska, Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Severna Makedonija
Standardi i sertifikati: ISO 9001:2015, HACCP, Excellent SME
MTM Sirela was founded in 1987 as a small family company. Originally, the main business was production of cheese rennet Sirela. Today the company has a wider range of products for dairy industry such as: rennet, starter cultures, antibiotic tests, milk analysers and additives.
The company business has started to expand to processing and sale of consumable goods – paper accessories, and manufacturing and printing of self-adhesive labels (flexo-printing). Over the time, our business has expanded to manufacturing plastic containers for food packaging (thermoforming).
Products: plastic packaging, label printing, thermal rolls, cheese rennet, starter cultures
Export markets: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia
Standards and certifications: ISO 9001:2015, HACCP, Excellent SME
A: Kostićevina 2 br 57, 32212 Preljina, Serbia
P: +381 32 38 01 65
M: +381 60 62 06 651
E: office@mtm-solutions.com / office@sirela.co.rs