Milšped Group
Milšped Group je regionalni lider u oblasti logistike i transporta i posluje u 15 zemalja, na tržištu Evrope, Azije i Amerike, sa preko 4400 zaposlenih. Grupa se izdvaja se po najsavremenijem pristupu u radu, konstantnom rastu i inovacijama u skladu sa svetskim trendovima, uključujući digitalizaciju i implementaciju visoko-tehnoloških robotizovanih rešenja. Njihova posvećenost kvalitetu rezultirala je dugoročnim partnerstvima sa renomiranim klijentima širom sveta.
Proizvodi/Usluge: Milšped group nudi širok spektar integrisanih usluga: FTL, groupage i carinsko posredovanje, brodski, avio i železnički transport, auto logistiku, distribuciju, e-commerce, kao i visoko-tehnološka rešenja za skladištenje robe.
Unutar grupacije posluju kompanije članice specijalizovane za određene usluge
MBOX Terminal, najsavremeniji intermodalni terminal u ovom delu Evrope;
M-ONE, integrisana logistička platforma prilagođena za e-commerce poslovanje, koja pruža sveobuhvatno logističko rešenje za isporuke širom Evrope;
Milšped AML, specijalizovana za kompletna logistička rešenja za transport vozila i rezervnih delova, saradjuje sa najvećim globalnim proizvođačima automobila.
Izvozna tržišta: Nemačka, SAD, Kina, UAE, Grčka, Italija, Crna Gora, Slovenija, Hrvatska, Rumunija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Severna Makedonija, Albanija i Mađarska.
Standardi i sertifikati: ISO 9001; HACCP; ISO 14001; ISO 45001; ISO 27001; TAPA FSR & TSR; AEO ; FSSC 22000
Milšped Group is a regional leader in logistics and transport that operates in 15 countries throughout European, Asian and American markets, with over 4400 employees. The company stands out with their state-of-the-art approach to business, constant growth and innovations in line with global trends, including digitization and the implementation of high-tech robotic solutions. Their commitment to quality has ensured long-term partnerships with renowned clients across the world.
Products/Services: Milšped group offers a wide range of integrated services: FTL, groupage and customs brokerage, ship, air and rail transport, auto logistics, distribution, e-commerce, as well as high-tech solutions for goods storage.
Within the group, there are member companies specializing in certain services
MBOX Terminal, the most modern intermodal terminal in this part of Europe
M-ONE, an integrated logistics platform adapted for e-commerce business, which provides a comprehensive logistics solution for deliveries across Europe
Milšped AML, specialized in complete logistics solutions for the transport of vehicles and spare parts, cooperates with the largest global car manufacturers.
Export markets: Germany, USA, China, UAE, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania, Hungary
Standards and certifications: ISO 9001; HACCP; ISO 14001; ISO 45001; ISO 27001; TAPA FSR & TSR; AEO; FSSC 22000
A: Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 59B, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 20 15 100
E: office@milsped.com