MDDP Janić
The company MDDP Janić started its operations on January 30, 2012, while the cold storage facility was constructed and began operating in 2019. Today, MDDP Janić is engaged in the purchase, processing, and freezing of fresh organic fruit, which is processed into deep-frozen and dried products. It is also in the early stages of producing distillates and products obtained through heat processing. The products are primarily intended for export, which is realized through direct or indirect marketing. The product range serves multiple purposes and can find a place in various types of markets. The static capacity of the cold storage facility is 2000 tons, with a daily freezing capacity in conventional tunnels of 20 tons per 24 hours. Currently, efforts are underway to develop and increase freezing capacity. Drying of plums is carried out in a separate facility, and production of distillates and heat-processed products takes place in another dedicated facility.
Since the beginning of its operation, the cold storage company has been involved in the organization and development of organic fruit production and processing. The intention is to promote and continuously develop awareness about a healthy lifestyle and sustainable agricultural production. The company is focused on constant improvement of the energy-saving system by enhancing freezing temperature control systems and preserving frozen products using renewable energy sources. Additionally, the business is directed towards the implementation of digital technology for scalable, efficient, and sustainable processing.
Since its inception, MDDP Janić has been integrating economic, social, and environmental aspects into its strategy and management. We are wholeheartedly committed to advancing the well-being of our employees, their professions, and the shared environment. Moreover, we adhere to a strict and carefully monitored sustainable development charter to better align with the expectations of our partners and consumers.
Quality and food safety are the number one of priorities of the company MDDP Janić. We are the holder of group certification activities for the primary production and processing of organic products in accordance with the legal regulations of the European Union and the Republic of Serbia. In addition to organic certificates, we have aligned and certified our processing according to the requirements of the IFS Food and ISO 22000 standards.
Products/Services: Deep-frozen organic cherries; Deep-frozen organic raspberry; Deep-frozen organic blackberries; Deep-frozen organic plum; Organic Dry Plum; Deep frozen organic wild apple; Deep frozen wild elderberry
Production capacities: 2000t
Export markets: EU
Standards and certifications: Organic EOS i ZOP, IFS Food, ISO 22000
A: Naupare, 37221 Naupare, Serbia
P: +381 37 65 56 70
M: +381 65 31 02 225
E: mddpjanic@gmail.com