Kala Consulting
Kala Consulting sa uspehom posluje na domaćem i stranom tržištu od 2004 godine. Kompanija je nastala sa ciljem da ponudi tržištu usluge iz oblasti Supply Chain Management-a (SCM) tj. Upravljanja Lancima Nabavke.
Našu kompaniju odlikuje veliki broj zadovoljnih klijenata kao i višedecenijsko iskustvo. Iskusni stručnjaci pomoći će vam da olakšate vaše poslovanje.
Kala Consulting nudi širok spektar usluga i proizvoda u skladu sa poljem ekspertize, pa se tako među našim rešenjima nalaze:
- Konsalting usluge
- Elektronska razmena dokumenata
- Edukacije
- Softverski proizvodi
Kala Consulting has been successfully operating on the domestic and foreign markets since 2004. The company was created with the aim of offering the market services in the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM), i.e. Supply Chain Management.
Our company is characterized by a large number of satisfied clients as well as decades of experience. Experienced experts will help you facilitate your business.
Kala Consulting offers a wide range of services and products in accordance with the field of expertise, so among our solutions are:
- Consulting services
- Electronic exchange of documents
- Education
- Software products
A: Crnotravska 1b, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 26 61 756
M: +381 63 68 88 40
E: konsalting@kala.rs