Gruža agrar
Gruža agrar je porodična firma, formirana 2010. godine, sa višegodišnjim iskustvom u savremenoj proizvodnji voća (jabuke, nectarine i borovnice), projektovanju i postavljanju konstrukcija protivgradne mreže za voće, grožđe, povrće i auto placeve.
Proizvodimo sve metalne, žičane i plastične elemente za naše konstrukcije, više modela voćarskih platformi, voćarskih kolica, kengur torbi za berbu voća i drugu opremu za voćarstvo, vinogradarstvo i povrtarstvo.
Gruža agrar pruža i uslugu mašinske sadnje voća, kao i mašinskog utiskivanja betonskih stubova (za konstrukcije protivgradne mreže i ograde)
Zasnovali smo 15 hektara intezivnih zasada voća (jabuke, nektarine i borovnice) i savremenu proizvodnju povrća sa protivgradnom mrežom, sistemom za navodnjavanje kap po kap, prihranu i orošavanje.
Izgradili smo 600 m2 moderan Centar za čuvanje, sortiranje i pakovanje voća i povrća uz primenu standarda kontrole kvaliteta bezbednosti hrane (GLOBAL G.A.P, HACCP I IFS) kapaciteta 1.000t.
Tradicionalno organizujemo svake godine Zimsko Savetovanje voćara (krajem Januara) i Sabor voćara na našim plantažama (krajem Maja).
Saradjujemo sa domaćim i inostranim fakultetima i institutima, primenjujemo najsavremenije tehnologije i posećujemo sve najvažnije sajmove i stručne skupove u svetu.
Betonski stub 7×8/4m , Betonski stub 9×9,5/4m, Betonski stub 10×12/4m, Betonski stub 14×14/4m, Žica Zn-Al 4mm, Žica Zn-Al, Žica Zn-Al 5mm, Sajla Zn-Al 7mm, Sajla PVC 4/6mm, Alka čelična, Zatezač mali Gedža OK 15, Zatezač Gedža 1, Zatezač Gedža 2, Zatezač Gedža 3, Anker 25/1500/6/300, Anker 18/1200/4/200, Anker 25/1800/6/300, Obujmica betonskog stuba 7×8, Obujmica betonskog stuba 9×9,50, Obujmica betonskog stuba 10×12, Obujmica betonskog stuba 14×14, Obujmica 9×9,50 za zatezanje žice, Obujmica 10×12 za zatezanje žice, Obujmica 14×14 za zatezanje žice, Obujmica Ø13 za zatezanje žice, Stope protiv propadanja betonskih stubova 10×12,Stope protiv propadanja betonskih stubova 14×14, Kapa za betonski stub 10×12 komplet, Kapa za betonski stub 7×8 komplet, Kapa za betonski stub 9×9,5 komplet, Kapa Ø180-210-Cap Ø180-210, Kapa Ø140- Cap Ø140, Kapa za drveni stub Ø13 komplet, Kapa za drveni stub Ø16 komplet, Žica za fiksiranje kape 7×8, Žica za fiksiranje kape 9×9,50, Žica za fiksiranje kape 10×12, Žica za fiksiranje žice 7×8, Žica za fiksiranje žice 10×12, Žica za fiksiranje sadnica, S kukica, Omča 4mm/3m, Omča 5mm/3m, Omča 5mm/12m, Omča 7mm/3,9m, Omča 7mm/4,3m, Omča 7mm/4,8m, Klema M8, Klema M6, Klema M8/2, Klema M8/3, Unutrašnja rasponka 7×8/0,7m, Bočna rasponka 10×12/0,7m, Čeona rasponka 10×12/0,5m, Čeona rasponka 14×14/0,5m, Pločica čeonog drvenog stuba, Protivgradna mreža, Plaketa za spajanje mreže, Lančić za fiksiranje mreže, Plaketa za bočnu mrežu, Igla za mrežu, Saksija 113 L, Agrotekstil, Voćarska platforma Gružanka, Voćarska platforma Gružanka plus, Voćarska platforma Šumadinka, Voćarska kolica Novi Ćira I, Ruda za kačenje voćarskih kolica, Gružanska kolica, Kolica za žicu i sajl, Voće (jabuka, nektarina, borovnice)
Proizvodni kapaciteti: jabuke 400t, nektarine 200t, borovnice 150t
Izvozna tržišta: Srbija, EU, Rusija
Standardi i sertifikati: GLOBAL G.A.P, HACCP and IFS, SRPS EN ISO 12100:2014
Gruža agrar is a family company, formed in 2010, with many years of experience in modern fruit production (apples, nectarines and blueberries), designing and installing anti-hail network constructions for fruit, grapes, vegetables and car lots, and we produce metal, plastic and wire elements for the same.
We established 15 hectares of intensive fruit plantations (apples, nectarines and blueberries) and modern vegetable production with anti-hail nets, a drip irrigation system, feeding and sprinkling.
We built a 600 m2 modern center for storing, sorting and packing fruits and vegetables with the application of food safety quality control standards (GLOBAL G.A.P, HACCP and IFS) with a capacity of 1,000 tons.
We produce all metal, wire and plastic elements for our structures, several models of fruit growing platforms, fruit carts, kangaroo bags for fruit picking and other equipment for fruit growing, viticulture and vegetable growing.
Gruža agrar also provides the service of mechanical planting of fruit, as well as mechanical pressing of concrete columns (for the construction of anti-hail nets and fences).
Traditionally, we organize every year the Winter Council of Fruit Growers (at the end of January) and the Assembly of Fruit Growers on our plantations (at the end of May).
We cooperate with domestic and foreign faculties and institutes, apply the most modern technologies and visit all the most important fairs and professional meetings in the world.
Products: Concrete pillar 7×8/4m, Concrete pillar 9×9,5/4m, Concrete pillar 10×12/4m, Concrete pillar 14×14/4m, Wire Zn-Al 4mm, Wire Zn-Al 2.4mm, Wire Zn-Al 5mm, Cable Zn-Al 7mm, Cable PVC 4/6mm, Steel shackle, Tensioner small Gedža OK 15, Tensioner Gedža 1, Tensioner Gedža 2, iTensioner Gedža 3, Anchor 25/1500/6/300, A Anchor 18/1200/4/200, Anchor 25/1800/6/300, Concrete column clamp 7×8, Concrete column clamp 9×9,50, Concrete column clamp 10×12, Concrete column clamp 14×14, Wire tensioning clamp 9×9,50, Wire tensioning clamp 10×12, Wire tensioning clamp 14×14, Wire tensioning clamp Ø13, Rates against deterioration of concrete columns 10×12, Rates against deterioration of concrete columns 14×14, Cap for concrete column 10×12 set, Cap for concrete column 7×8 set, Cap for concrete column 9×9,5 set, Cap Ø180-210, , Cap Ø140, Cap for a wooden post Ø13 set, Cap for a wooden post Ø16 set, Wire for fixing the cap 7×8, Wire for fixing the cap 9×9,50, Wire for fixing the cap 10×12, Wire for fixing the wire 7×8, Wire for fixing the wire 10×12, Wire for fixing seedlings, S hooks, Noose 4mm/3m, Noose 5mm/3m, Noose 5mm/12m, Noose 7mm/3,9m, Noose 7mm/4,3m, Noose 7mm/4,8m, Clamp M8, Clamp M6, Clamp M8/2, Clamp M8/3, Internal span 7×8/0,7m, Side span 10×12/0,7m, Frontal lobe 10×12/0,5m, Frontal lobe 14×14/0,5m, Tile of the frontal wooden column, Anti-hail nets, Plaque for network connection, Chain for fixing the net, Plaque for side net, Knitting needle, Flower pot, Agrotextile, Fruit platform Gružanka, Fruit platform Gružanka plus, Fruit platform Šumadinka, -Fruit wagon Novi Ćira I, Ore for hanging fruit carts, Gruža’s handcart, Trolley for wire and cable and fruit: apples, nectarines and blueberries
Production capacities: apples 400t, nectarines 200t, blueberries 150t
Export markets: Serbia, EU, Russia,
Standards and certifications: GLOBAL G.A.P, HACCP and IFS, SRPS EN ISO 12100:2014
A: Dubljačka br.43, Balosave, 34230 Gruža, Serbia
P: +381 34 515 465
M: +381 64 489 21 02