Green Magnetik
Our team of experts has been developing, designing and manufacturing special magnetic metal separators for various purposes for more than 15 years.
Our main activity is the production of magnetic metal separators, which can be used to remove metal impurities from various products. Thanks to this technology, the quality of the final product and the lifetime of the machines that process the product can be greatly improved!
We recommend it in industries and production processes where the main problem is the appearance of metal particles and pieces in production, products, raw materials or even finished products.
Our company’s business policy is to adapt our products to the needs of our customers. Our experience gained over the years is an advantage for us. We offer the possibility of development services in the development of tools, which we prepare individually according to the requirements and needs of our customers.
Products/Services: magnetic separators
Export markets: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Cyprus
Naš stručni tim više od 15 godina razvija i projektuje specifične magnetne separatora za različite namene.
Naša glavna delatnost jeste proizvodnja magnetnih separatora čijim korišćenjem je moguće ukloniti metalne čestice iz raznih proizvoda, što poboljšava kvalitet finalnog proizvoda.
Preporučujemo ih u različitim industrijama i proizvodnim procesima, gde je glavni problem pojava metalnih čestica i komadića u proizvodnji ili proizvodima, kao i sirovini pa čak i u gotovim proizvodima.
Poslovna politika naše firme jeste da naši proizvodi budu usklađeni sa potrebama naših klijenata.
Iskustvo koje smo stekli tokom godina nam daje prednost, te smo u mogućnosti da nudimo razvojne usluge u izradi sprava koje su prilagođene zahtevima i potrebama.
Proizvodi/usluge: magnetni separatori
Izvozna tržišta: Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Austrija, Kipar
A: Blaha Lujze 23, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
M: +381 63 19 80 359
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