Flora je porodična kompanija osnovana 1993. godine. Bavi se proizvodnjom, zamrzavanjem i preradom voća. Poseduje hladnjaču od 2004. i pogon za toplu preradu napravljen 2011. u centru kvalitetnih zasada maline. Godišnje Flora proizvode i preradi do 4000t voća u skladu sa važećim standardima još od 2005. Danas, ova porodična kompanija zapošljava 35 radnika i proizvodi oko 30 različitih proizvoda od kesica zamrznutog voća do teglica različitih voćnih džemova, čatnija, pekmeza. Flora is a family company founded in 1993. It deals with the production, freezing and processing of fruit. It has a cold store since 2004 and a hot processing plant built in 2011 in the center of quality raspberry plantations. Annually, Flora produces and processes up to 4,000 tons of fruit in accordance with current standards since 2005. Today, this company employs 35 workers and produces about 30 different products, from bags of frozen fruit to jars of various jams, chutneys, fruit pastes.
- Raspberry rolend
- Raspberry crumble
- Blackberry Konfitura
- Blackberry Rolend
- Blueberry Rolend
Jams Mingle:
- Raspberry
- Strawberry balsamico
- Apricot, ginger, mint
- Sour cherry, rum
- Plum, cocoa
- Red mix
- Black mix
Jams Madam Jar:
- Aprico 60% jam
- Red Mix 60% jam
- Sour Cherry 60% jam
- Raspberry 50% spread
- Strawberry 50% spread
- Black mix 50% spread
- Raspberry 75% organic
- Black mix 75% organic
- Rosehip 90% organic
- Plum 100% diet
- Strawberry 100% diet
- Red mix 100% diet
Production capacities:
- Raspberry rolend 1000 t
- Raspberry crumble 500 t
- Blackberry Konfitura 200 t
- Blackberry Rolend 200 t
- Blueberry Rolend 100 t
- Fruit confiture/jams 2000 t
- Fruit puree – raspberry 1000 t
- Plum paste 1000 t
- Thermo-stable fillings for baking industry 3000 t
Export markets: Germany, Austria, USA
Standards and certifications: BRC, Kosher, Organic
Flora doo
A: Sadjavac bb, 32250 Ivanjica, Serbia
P: +381 32 660 015
M: +381 62 477 050
E: office@flora-ivanjica.com