Distillery Hubert 1924
Destilerija Hubert 1924 je porodična destilerija osnovana 2007. godine. Osnovna delatnost je proizvodnja prirodnih voćnih rakija od šljive, dunje, kajsije, kruške, jabuke kao i lekere od višnje i maline. Poseduje 15 hektara sopstvenih voćnjaka, gde se ručno sakupljaju plodovi voća i transportuju iz voćnjaka do destilerije. Voće se zatim skladišti u hladnjači, kontroliše zrelost, prerađuje t.j. vrši se pranje, otkoštavanje i pasiranje. Fermentacija se odvija u strogo kontrolisanim uslovima. Potom se radi dvostruka i trostruka destilacija u bakarnim kazanima ( prepečenica ). Rakije šljiva, dunja i jabuka odležavaju minimum tri godine u hrastovim buradima, dok kajsija i viljamovka odležavaju minimum tri godine u inox sudovima.
Proizvodi/servisi: Rakije od dunje, kajsije, šljive, kruške viljamovke, jabuke i grožđa. Likeri od maline i višnje.
Proizvodni kapaciteti: 100.000 litara
Izvozna tržišta: Bugarska, BiH, Hrvatska, Slovenija, Crna Gora, Nemačka, Velika Britanija, Švajcarska, SAD, Australija
Standardi i sertifikati: HCCP
The Hubert 1924 Distillery is a family-run distillery founded in 2007. Its main activity is the production of natural fruit brandies made from plum, quince, apricot, pear, apple, as well as cherry and raspberry liqueurs. It owns 15 hectares of its own orchards, where the fruits are hand-picked and transported from the orchard to the distillery. The fruit is then stored in a cold store, its ripeness is checked, and it is processed, i.e. washed, pitted and mashed. Fermentation takes place under strictly controlled conditions. Then, double and triple distillation is carried out in copper stills (prepečenica). Plum, quince and apple brandies are aged for a minimum of three years in oak barrels, while apricot and vijamovka are aged for a minimum of three years in stainless steel vessels.
Products/Services: Quince brandy, Apricot brandy, Williams pear brandy, Plum brandy, Apple brandy, Grappa brandy, Raspberry liqueur, Cherry liqueur
Production capacities: 100.000 lit
Export markets: Bulgaria, BiH, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, USA, Australia
Standards and certifications: HCCP
Destilerija Hubert 1924 doo
A: Vuka Karadžića 12, 23312 Banatsko Veliko Selo, Serbia
P: +381 230306444
M: +381 600311003
E: destilerijahubert1924@gmail.com