Data Cloud Technology
DCT je kompanija u vlasništvu Republike Srbije i pruža usluge u okviru Državnog Data centra u Kragujevcu koji ispunjava najviše tehničke i bezbednosne standarde. Objekat je sertifikovan u klasu 4 – EN 50600 Class4 (TIA Tier 4) sa dostupnošću servisa od 99.995%, što DDC svrstava u grupu od osam data centara u Evropi sa najvišim nivoom pouzdanosti. Kompleks data centra se prostire na 4ha i čine ga dva objekta od ukupno oko 14.000 m2, sa instalacionom snagom od 14MW i kapacitetom od 1080 REK ormana.
Available. Anytime, Anywhere.
- Kolokacija: Instalacija servera i aktivne mrežne opreme klijenata na infrastrukturi Državnog data centra
- Cloud – IaaS: Iznamljivanje pojedinačnih virtualnih servera potrebnih procesorskih, memorijskih i storage kapaciteta uz neprekidnu dostupnost resursa.
- IT bezbednost: Kontinuirano praćenje, analiza i odgovor na pretnje u informacionim sistemima u realnom vremenu, čime se obezbeđuje proaktivna zaštita, otkrivanje napada i smanjenje rizika za klijente.
- Povezivanje/Connectivity: DDC je provajderski neutralan – obezbeđena je konekcija sa svim postojećim telco operaterima u Srbiji.
Izvozna tržišta: Usluge su na raspolaganju za celokupno tržište bez obzira na lokaciju klijenta (domaće i inostrano)
Standardi i sertifikati: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 50001:2018, EN 50600 Class4 (TIA Tier 4), ISAE 3000 Type II, PCI DSS
Data Cloud Technology is a company owned by the Republic of Serbia and provides services within the Government Data Center in Kragujevac, which meets the highest technical and security standards. The facility is certified in class 4 – EN 50600 Class 4 (TIA Tier 4) with a service availability of 99,995%, which ranks the Government Data Center in the group of eight data centers in Europe with the highest level of reliability. The Data Center complex is located on a parcel of 4 ha and consists of two facilities with a total of about 14.000 m², with an installed power of 14 MW and a capacity of 1080 Rack Cabinets.
Available. Anytime, Anywhere.
- Telehousing: Installation of servers and active network equipment of clients on the infrastructure of the Government Data Center
- Cloud – Iaas: Rental of individual virtual servers with the necessary processing, memory, and storage capacities with continuous availability of resources.
- IT security: Continuous monitoring, analyzing, and responding to threats in information systems in real time, thereby ensuring proactive protection, detection of attacks, and reduction of risk for customers.
- Connectivity: The Data Center is carrier neutral, i.e. the connection is provided with all existing telco operators in Serbia.
Export markets: Services are provided for the entire market regardless of the client’s location (domestic and international).
Standards and certifications: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 50001:2018, EN 50600 Class4 (TIA Tier 4), ISAE 3000 Type II, PCI DSS
A: Save Kovačevića 35b, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
P: +381 34 61 71 884
M: +381 65 85 06 397
E: sales@dct.rs