Damar Confit
Damar Confit is a company that deals with the processing and sale of fresh truffles, with the basic success of presenting Serbian truffles to the whole world with their top properties. Company was founded in 2014 with one goal, to present Serbian truffle with all positive characteristics.
In recent years, guided by the love of truffles and a strong will in the achieved goals, we have enabled the opening of new markets, better positioning and placement – which is the basis of our further development.
Through the work of permanent technological improvement, we have managed to develop an unusual recipe, composed in such a way as to preserve the natural properties of truffles and at the same time provide maximum taste and aroma.
Products: whole black truffle canned, minced paprika with black truffles, olive oil with truffles, black truffle carpaccio, cheese with truffles, truffle sauce, soy sauce with white truffle, wine with truffles, chocolate with truffles
Export markets: EU, the Russian Federation and Asia.
Damar Confit je firma koja se bavi preradom i prodajom svežih tartufa, sa osnovnim ciljem da se srpski tartuf, sa svojim vrhunskim svojstvima predstavi celom svetu. Kompanija je osnovana 2014. godine sa jednim ciljem, da predstavi srpske tartufe sa svojim pozitivnim svojstvima.
Proteklih godina, vođeni ljubavlju prema tartufu i jakom voljom u ostvarenju cilja, omogućili smo otvaranje novih tržišta, bolju pozicioniranost i plasman – što je osnov našeg daljeg razvoja.
Uspeli smo da kroz poslove permanentnog tehnološkog unapređenja razvijemo nesvakidašnju recepturu, tako sastavljenu da očuva prirodna svojstva tartufa i da ujedno pruži maksimum ukusa i mirisa.
Proizvodi: konzervirani celi crni tartuf, ajvar sa crnim tartufima, Maslinovo ulje sa tartufima, seckani crni tartuf, sir sa tartufima, tartufata, soja sos sa belim tartufima, vino sa tartufima, čokolada sa tartufima
Izvozna tržišta: EU, Rusija i Azija
A: Kralja Milutina 37, Belgrade, Serbia
M: + 381 65 88 98 998
E: Damarconfit@gmail.com