Butchery and meat industry “Nedeljković”
Butchery and meat industry “Nedeljković” produces fresh pork, veal, beef, mutton, lamb , as well as over 50 kind of meat products made from the meat of the finest quality, using the most famous domestic and foreign recipes.
During ‘80s, Šašinci were famous for mass breeding of high quality pigs. Buyers from Ljubljana, Zgreb, Split, Skopje… were coming to purchase them. Nowadays, Šašinci are again well-known, and the reason for that is slaughtering and meat production facility “Nedeljković”, which is becoming more and more prominent factor of meat production in Serbia.
We were established in 1989. The reasons for that decision were numerous, but one of the most important ones was good foundation – Šašinci and nearby villages had a good stock foundation. The other reason was the vicinity of Serbian capital, Belgrade, which is the biggest market in the country. Meat Industry“Nedeljković” has been established and still is a family business. We had started with three employees and strictly routed development plan. The plan was exceptional and successful, and that is why today “Nedejković” nowadays has 280 employees. Our current capacities are daily slaughter of 600 pigs and 50 veal, in addition of producing 15.000 kg of meat products.
屠宰和肉类工业“Nedeljković”生产新鲜的猪肉、小牛肉、牛肉、羊肉、羊肉以及50多种肉制品,采用最优质的肉类,采用国内外最著名的配方。80 年代,Šašinci 以大量繁殖优质猪而闻名。来自卢布尔雅那、兹格勒布、斯普利特、斯科普里……的买家前来采购。如今,Šašinci 再次出名,其原因是屠宰和肉类生产设施“Nedeljković”,它正在成为塞尔维亚肉类生产的越来越重要的因素。我们成立于 1989 年。做出这个决定的原因有很多,但最重要的原因之一是良好的基础——沙辛奇和附近村庄拥有良好的股票基础。另一个原因是塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德附近,这是该国最大的市场。肉类工业“Nedeljković”已经成立并且仍然是一个家族企业。我们从三名员工开始,并严格制定了发展计划。该计划非常出色且成功,这就是今天“Nedejković”拥有 280 名员工的原因。我们目前的产能是每天屠宰 600 头猪和 50 头小牛肉,此外还生产 15.000 公斤肉制品。
Butchery and meat industry “Nedeljković”
A: Zmaj Jovina 13, Sasinci, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
P: +381 22 684 221
E: office@nedeljkovic.co.rs